1. Masonic Biker Treffen in Österreich - 2009
Br. Reinhard Gerlich hatte eingeladen, zum "Indian Summer in den Nockbergen" von 16. bis 18.10.2009, und 17 Brr. aus unterschiedlichsten Orienten folgten der Einladung.
Lest den Bericht - auf englisch, wegen der internationalen Beteiligung am Treffen.
Tu Felix Austria Masonic Biker Indian Summer meeting Oktober 2009 organized by Reinhard Gerlich
My dear friends! I am writing in English, so this letter can be forwarded to everyone who was at the Masonic biker meeting in Austria or wanted to come, but did not manage.
My first special thanks go to the 17 Brr.: what took the risk to come although the weather forecast was bad. We were 9 Italians, 2 English, 2 Swiss, 1 German and 3 Austrians and lucky it did not snow or rain, but we had temperatures under 0°C in the morning and during the day not more than 10°C. Just 3 days earlier the temperatures here were between 15 to 24°C.
On Friday we decided not to go up in the Großglockner, where it had snowed more than 1m, and rather stay in the valleys. So, after having a proper start with a biker ritual, we first visited our L.: and the Landhaus in Klagenfurt and went then over the Rosental to Lavamünd were we had lunch. On a lovely biker mountain, the Soboth, we speeded as fast as everybody managed. Over Klipitztörl, another mountain we went back to the monastery to finish our tour (work) with the biker ritual. Then we set up a T.: for our multilingual evening work according to the Austrian ritual where all the important passages were translated into Italian and English. Afterwards the talks with some very good Chianti, served by the Italian Brr.: lasted long past midnight.
On Saturday we went, after the biker ritual in front of the church, the planed tour over the Wurzenpass into Slovenia, up to the 1611m high Pass Vrsic, with more than 50 turns, down to the Soca Valley. Here we met an Italian Br.: and stayed in a nice quiet place for lunch. Afterwards we drove over the Triglaf Pass into Italy and over Tarvisio to Villach to visit the L.: there, which is a place you should not miss whenever you are near by. We went back to Zedlitzdorf to finish our tour (work) with the biker ritual. The evening meal was at the Kirchenwirt in Gnesau where we met Br. Kummerer who, later in the evening, gave us a drawing about the development of the GL of Austria over the last 250 years. His drawing was translated into Italian and English too.
OK, it was freezing cold, it was one of the 2 coldest weekends in the last 50 years but we had lovely dry bendy roads with no traffic most of the time. It was a very nice weekend with good rides & bends, good wine & food, good rituals & talks and for that I want to thank you all.
Fraternal greetings from Tu Felix Austria Masonic Biker,
Reinhard Gerlich
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Kontakt: Masonic Biker Österreich - Reinhard Gerlich
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